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How Working on Your Goals Makes you Happy

How Working on Your Goals Makes you Happy

Do you believe goals can make you happy? Are you thinking about changing something in your life? “Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that, but simply growth. We are happy when we are growing.”William Butler Yeats Research has shown that...

What Makes a Happy Good Life? 5 Key Components

What Makes a Happy Good Life? 5 Key Components

Are you wondering what makes a happy life? What makes a good life? These age-old questions have puzzled philosophers, psychologists, and individuals seeking fulfillment for centuries. “As an old saying goes, We are always comparing our insides to other people’s...

Social Skills to Make New Friends When You are Shy

Social Skills to Make New Friends When You are Shy

Wouldn’t it be nice to feel confident in your making friends skills? There are times when we are in a social situation and overthink what to say or how to say it and we end up not saying anything. Social skills to make new friends or making friends skills are a set of...

What Makes One Happy in Life According to Science

What Makes One Happy in Life According to Science

Happiness is something that we all strive for, but what exactly makes one happy in life? Is it wealth, success, spirituality, or relationships? The science of happiness explores the various factors that contribute to our overall sense of joy and satisfaction. From...